Monday, 24 April 2017

OUGD401: Final outcome and evaluation

This is my final outcome for this project. I created a logo trying to create a fresh urban look to the green party, to appeal to a wider audience. I have also mocked up a website page to show the rebrand in context and how I would use the rebrand across different formats not just as the logo. 

I feel this project has been informative and I have learnt a lot about how branding is used in politics. As well as definitely agreeing on the point the political branding borrows techniques form the world of commercial advertising and branding.

I feel looking back I could have spent a lot more time on gathering sources of information that were stronger and had more substance about the subject area. I felt the online articles I looked at were most relevant and best informed me. in comparison to the books which I found hard to find much useful information in. I feel my triangulation essay would have been stronger if I found more reliable, well known sources. I found the analysing of images helpful, putting in context the subject. This also made me consider the practical part of the project and how I could use the knowledge gained about political branding into my own design.

Leading on from the visual analysis I rebranded the green party. I created a logo trying to create a fresh urban look to the green party, to appeal to a wider audience. I also mocked up a website page to show the rebrand in context and how I would use the rebrand across different formats not just as the logo. Looking at the project as whole I feel it was a good choice and a topic that’s relevant. Especially with the general election being called recently.  I feel the project was well suited to my previous research. I feel my design decisions were valid and the concept of using different colours, not just green, to show there range of policies worked well. I’m not sure if I needed to carry this concept through with the type. In retrospective I could have spent more time on variations of colour with the text. Overall the outcome suited my rational giving the party a new face that would hopefully entice a new type of voter.

Concluding I feel the research part of the project could have been more thought out with a wider range of sources. This would have gave me a more in depth range of opinions about political branding and its links to commercial branding. As well as whether there should be any constraints in relation to borrowing techniques of the commercial world. 

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